Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wisconsin Vote Fraud?

Vote fraud in Wisconsin should be a hot topic of discussion.  Yet nearly everyone is tossing around and analyzing the official election results from Wisconsin as though they reflect how people actually voted.  Yet there is significant evidence and recent precedent that they don't, plus a challenge from a highly credible source is in play.

Thom Hartmann raising the alert:

Emergency — please read — serious Wisconsin vote hack issue—-please-read-—-serious-wisconsin-vote-hack-issue

A serious challenge apparently was raised and is in play:
Recall Election Fraud in Wisconsin? You Betcha!
June 7, 2012

Last September, 2011, [Wisconsin election integrity investigator John] Washburn discovered that Command Central had offered to replace the Optech Scanner for two DRE screen models.     [Washburn charged] Command Central’s DRE offer violated “the statutes issued by the GAB (Government Accountability Board     On January 13, 2010 [?] Washburn emailed the GAB about this situation. When he did not receive an answer, he submitted and Open Records request to the GAB with no reply.  On May 4th, he turned the case over to Dane County Attorney, and on May 14th, he kicked it up to the Department of Justice.” 

Manipulating the Exit Polls:

Wisconsin Recall: The adjusted Final Exit Poll was forced to match an unlikely recorded vote. by Richard Charnin, June 6

The Atlantic, explaining it away:

What Was the Problem With the Wisconsin Exit Polls?

JUN 7 2012,
Leaked early exit data briefly gave Democrats hope they'd won the recall Tuesday night. How could a survey of the real electorate be so far off?

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