Friday, October 5, 2012

Letter endorsing McGovern, Sept. 2

Jim McGovern is more in touch with the views and needs of the regular folk in his district than almost anyone in the Congress. On issues of job creation and rebuilding our infrastructure, tax fairness, Green Economy investments, saving Food Stamps and the Unemployment Insurance System, defending Social Security and Medicare, ending the waste of our money and lives on unnecessary and un-winable wars and guaranteeing access to quality health care for all, Jim McGovern has been second to none.

The Worcester Unemployment Action Group has met with McGovern and found his positions and record of leadership on job creation and help for the unemployed impressive and encouraging. His responses to our Candidate Questionnaire were thoughtful, detailed and constructive. He has earned our support.

William Feegbeh by contrast responded to our questionnaire by checking all the "Yes" boxes without comment. Unfortunately we have not succeeded in setting up a conversation with him. 

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